"Exercise is the most effective way to improve memory and attention. For years we have known that exercise seems to protect against memory disorders like Alzheimer's disease. People who exercise regularly are 50% less likely to develop dementia. Now we know one reason why: when we exercise, new brain cells are born in the hippocampus- the brain's gateway to new memories."
"To do better in school, kids should put down their pencils and enjoy a bit of exercise, an international group of experts advises.
The study also found that physical activity and exercise improve brain function, cognition and brain structure."
Apa lagi? Takkan kurung je anak 24 jam suruh baca buku? Bangun la awal pada Sabtu & Ahad, bawa anak2 ke jogging park, ke taman bunga. Bawak panjat bukit ke.. Alah kejap je dalam pukul 7-8am ke lepas tu balik la ke rumah dan mandi. Badan dia dh fresh, nak study pun senang. Kan?
(Gambar: Ni saya bawak diorang jalan2 je kat Bukit Kiara Recreational Park, Taman Tun Dr Ismail. Kadang jalan kat park dekat rumah je. Atau Taman Botani Putrajaya. Jenuh juga la nk keep up sebab energy budak2 ni mcm tak berkesudahan je, heran betul. Haha)
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